Veterinary services are essential to pet health, overseeing zoonotic health, and ensuring a healthy supply of food. At Lone Mountain Animal Hospital, we are open for business, but with updated protocols to comply with social distancing and to protect both our staff and clients.

We ask that all clients follow these guidelines as they are mandatory, not elective in ensuring public safety and in order for Lone Mountain to be open to provide veterinary services.

  • At LMAH, we are following COVID-19 social distancing guidelines by minimizing close contact between people and maintaining a 3-foot distance.
  • Only one family member is permitted in the exam room. Please have other family members wait in the car. No children are permitted in the hospital.
  • Only one client is permitted in the lobby at a time. We are currently utilizing our “dog” lobby entrance only. A staff member will receive you at the door to take your name and cell phone number.
  • If the lobby is occupied, we will ask you to wait in your vehicle. Once the lobby is clear we will call you to enter the building.
  • When leaving the building please do not return to the lobby, use the exit door located at the left side of the reception desk.
  • If waiting on tests, we ask you to wait in your car. If more time is needed you can go home and we will call when your pet is ready.
  • If your pet has a medical emergency, please alert our staff and you will be escorted into our “cat” entrance.

Please feel free to speak with our team members about any of your individualized needs at 702-645-3116. Thank you for your patronage and assistance during this time.


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